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Do you want to prevent your home from being damaged as a result? If your answer is yes, then you really need Yuru مادة البولي يوريثين بو تسرب. This material is specifically meant to keep water from getting into your home, so it can help you maintain everything in good condition and avoid damage. Water is a wily nemesis, but with the proper equipment you can outsmart it and make sure your home stays safe
Water Damage Being a home owner is indeed an exhilarating and rewarding feeling but it augurs aloof many unforeseen challenges too. If the surface is damaged water will be leaking into your home, and that more often than not leads to mold growth or even damage of walls/floors. Mold hurts the health of your home, and water damage can hurt a lot. Fortunately, as we have Yuru sealant.
Yuru sealant is just a great product that forms strong, watertight seals on most surfaces from walls to roofs even windows! It does this by plugging up the holes and cracks through which your home water could enter. And the greatest thing, its very user- friendly so you dint have to be a professional importer or exporter to use it. This yuru sealant is Ideal for the places which receive too much rain, floods and perfect to kept water at outside only
Builders love to use Yuru sealant too. These may even be used in the sealing of cracks and gaps within houses or alternative structures that they build. This helps in creating a tight barrier which prevents both air and water to penetrate inside.
There are many benefits of using Yuru sealant in construction. For one, it should at least last a good amount of time so you can be sure that another won't need to purchased for quite awhile. Which equates to less headaches and more security. In addition, Yuru عديد الكبريتيد مانع التسرب is durable and resistant to weathering or chemicals, so it is perfect for areas that need extra strong bonding in any conditions.
Water damage is a major concern for homeowners, but air and moisture can also wreak havoc inside your home. When it comes to home improvement, especially in the deep of winter or during a hot summer when you know that efficiency is going to cost the most so why not save where possible. gaps and cracks, no matter how big can slowly open up areas for air seepage which might mean bigger bills on your heating/cooling end once its all done with! For every time that air gets trapped in, your heating system stands to perform worse and will have a direct effect on the amount of money you pay for it. Mold can arise from living in a damp environment, and this is terrible for your health.
An amazing just down and dirty! Yuru sealant can be used to prevent air coming in as well moisture. Keeps out air and moisture it forms a tight seal that does not allow any air or moisture to pass through into your home. This Yuru شريط مانع التسرب من مطاط البوتيل not only protects your home from destruction but also ensures you save on energy bills. Homes that are well sealed experience added comfort and reduce their energy costs.
تصنيع المواد المقاومة للماء ومنتجات الجص بالحقن. منتجاتنا الرئيسية هي الأنواع المختلفة من الطلاءات المقاومة للماء والأغشية المقاومة للماء ومواد الحشو بالحقن ومعدات الحشو ومانعات التسرب من البولي يوريثين.
تم اعتماد المؤسسات من خلال lS09001، CE، EPR، SGS والعديد من الشهادات الأخرى. كما أنها تمتلك أكثر من 20 براءة اختراع، بما في ذلك منتجنا المقاوم للماء، والذي يتم حمايته من خلال حقوق الملكية الفكرية المستقلة. لقد كانت "مؤسسة تقنية عالية معترف بها في مقاطعة جيانغسو". بمقاطعة جيانغسو".
عملاؤنا الرئيسيون هم البلديات وشركات هندسة البناء وتجار مواد البناء. تقديم الخدمات لأكثر من 10000 عميل في جميع أنحاء العالم والتصدير إلى أكثر من 70 دولة.
لدى Yuru مصنع تصنيع يغطي مساحة 16000 متر مربع ومراكز بحث وتطوير تبلغ مساحتها 10000 متر مربع. لدى Yuru خمس سلاسل منتجات تتضمن أكثر من 40 طرازًا يمكنها تلبية متطلبات العملاء بشكل كامل. حصل يورو على أكثر من 20 براءة اختراع، وتعاون مع 10 أطباء في جامعتين عالميتين.